Does Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act have you wondering what your obligations are regarding Non-Discrimination Rules? Section 1557…
As I walked the isles of my local one-stop shopping store and I saw all of the back-to-school items on…
Put Yourself in Someone Else’s Place; To Understand How They See Things Most people who are diagnosed with a visual…
Many restaurants, from casual dining to high-end dining, offer Braille and large print menus. Sometimes, it can take a bit…
The Americans with Disabilities Act, Amendments Act of 2008 and the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act have opened many pathways…
DIY SlimeFrozen Paint Water MarblesMarble ArtCrystal Letters and ShapesAir MoverOther Sources for Hands-On Activities I am always looking for creative…
I Have a Disability; Do I Have to Apply for the Affordable Care Act? What Do I Need to Know…
We began our preparation for the enactment of Unified English Braille in 2012 and are ready to implement the new…
Here's a story for all the other parents who are blind on how to have a safe and enjoyable Halloween…
Equality Awareness Equality awareness for people who are blind might sound a little strange. Probably because you'd think all Americans…