Age-Related Vision Problems & Your Customers

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Nose and mouth of a person with their face in an eye exam machine

Age-related vision problems will eventually affect everyone. Some people are more affected than others, but as we age, our visual acuity declines. 

Because so many people experience poor vision as they age, large print is one of the most requested accessible formats. More popular than braille, large print benefits a wide range of people in various stages of life. So, why should you incorporate large print into your company’s offerings? Who does it benefit and how does it benefit your company? Let’s explore these questions.

Age-related vision problems

Did you know that there are several common age-related vision problems? Think about it: How many people over the age of 45 do you know who wear glasses or contacts regularly? Many people use them for reading, at the very least. Declining vision as people age is expected, and there are a plethora of age-related eye conditions.

One of the most common age-related vision problems shows up in your 40s. It’s called Presbyopia. That word sounds intimidating but, in Greek, translates to “old eyes.” It basically means you’ll need corrective lenses to see nearby objects and small text. Enter reading glasses. This common vision issue is as normal as wrinkles and continues to worsen through your late 60s.

As we continue to age, other common eye diseases and disorders can develop. These include cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and corneal diseases, to name only a few. These common diseases and disorders cause a range of vision problems from reduced vision to blindness. 

There’s no arguing that, in one way or another, our eyes fail us as we age. But, why is this important to you and your company?

Elderly man reading newspaper on the veranda

Why this is important

The majority of people with vision issues also have the greatest spending power.

Did you know that the Baby Boomer generation — people ranging in age between mid-50s to mid-70s — hold more than half of the nation’s wealth? This generation boasts $2.6 trillion in buying power. That’s a lot of money they could spend on your products or services.

Reaching this massive pool of wealth means making the Baby Boomer’s shopping experience pleasant and easy. And, because of common age-related vision problems, large print becomes a major asset in doing just that.

Related: Who Benefits from Large Print Documents? You Might be Surprised.

Enter large print

The Baby Boomer generation, as well as people with visual disabilities, need to be able to read your marketing materials. In addition, they need to be able to read their credit card statements, medical information, menus, and other documents your company provides to its customers. 

Properly formatted large print is crucial for people with severe vision issues. Large print benefits your customers because it reduces eye strain, provides high contrast, and presents information in a way that’s easy to understand. It contributes to the pleasant and easy experience you want your customers to have when shopping for your goods and services.

Woman with glasses struggling to read the print in a book

Beyond small print

Don’t leave money on the table. Make sure you’re reaching everyone in your print material efforts. Large print not only provides independence for people with age-related vision problems and visual disabilities but also provides a pleasant and easy experience when interacting with your company.

Bonus: Since Gen Xers — another generation with a powerful disposable income — aren’t far behind, you’ll be ready when they need large print, too.

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This post was written by Jessica Sanders

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