Banking Accessibility Challenge [Transcript]
Published onWritten Transcript [Banking Accessibility Challenge]
Here’s a challenge for you. Pull out your most recent receipt, something like a lunch receipt or a movie ticket.
Now close your eyes; don’t look at it. Can you find a way to tell me exactly what it says? Pretty tough huh?
Some really smart people like yourself probably actually thought of a way to do it. And maybe that included asking someone to read it out loud. Nice job! Way to be creative. But would have done the same thing if I had challenged you to figure out what was on your most recent paycheck or bank statement?
Believe it or not, that’s exactly what many people who are blind or visually impaired are asked to do. If banks don’t give them documents in Braille, or another accessible format that they can read for themselves, such as large print, audio, or accessible PDF; all they’re left with is asking someone else for help.
Now we don’t know about you, but we like to keep our finances private. And that’s why we encourage you to only use banks that put accessibility first and make life more readable for all their customers.
If this makes sense to you, let your bank know accessibility matters. And if you work at a bank, give us a call and we’ll help you make it right. Or, you can visit us online at and help “make the world a more readable place™”.
Categorized in: Accessibility, Banking, Informational
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